At Sunshine Coast Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology our team of Physiotherapist have a through understand about the application of hands on techniques and self-care interventions, providing a platform for all individuals to live a healthly and pain free way of life.
Our Physiotherapist can assist with:
General musculoskeletal treatments- Through assessment and analysis can provide a quick return an optimal way of life for each individual
Sporting injuries- Our Physiotherpasit have experience with both local and state level atheltes
Posture analysis and assessment- Guided prescription to improve daily living habits such as sleep and improve movement reducing pain.
Pre and Post-Operative rehabilitation: Structured pre-operative care to improve post-surgical procedures will have you moving again with minimal issues.
Neck pain and headaches-A through assessment and manual therapy techniques will provide a decrease in ongoing symptoms of pain and discomfort.
Osteoarthritis: Reducing pain, swelling and stiffness will all improve joint function. A guided exercise plan will increase your ability to preform daily tasks with minimal pain and suffering.
WORKCOVER CLAIMS/CTP INSURANCE: Working closely with multiple insurance companies our team is able to insure a safe and gradual return to work or you normal way of life.
Back Pain: Poor mobility and mechanical changes increased and excaberate individual with acute and chronic back pain. A tailored rehabilitation plan with self managed focus will decrease reoccurring injuries and improve function.
Chronic health conditions: With referral from your local GP, our team of Physiotherapist are able to bulk bill your visits to improve quality of life.